Mr. Milo Kittysbee. The best turkey thief in Cap Hill.
Ms. Delta Bentley. Appreciator of the finer things.
This was a wonderful holiday. Here are some of my highlights:
The cats of Thanksgiving: I'm the reluctant Stepfather to two cats, Milo and Delta. It was nice to cease hostilities and lift a glass with these two, even if it meant that as soon as the Tryptophan wore off they were back at each other's (and my) throats. Milo especially used all of his cuteness and, well, cat-like reflexes to steal off of my plate. Delta was a bit classier, preferring a vantage point from the window sill and a glass of Chardonnay.
I made a turkey!: Ok, a turkey breast, which is 100% more turkey than I've ever cooked before. I am a novice chef, meaning anything that isn't microwaved is new territory to me. It went beyond that though. For the first time, I made a Thanksgiving feast from start to finish. Dip, asparagus, turkey, potatoes, gravy, biscuits, little smokies, and more. Since I am by default the one person in the apartment that can cook, I'm trying to live up to the responsibility.
Eating in our underwear: It's true. Wren and I share a VERY small one-bedroom in Capitol Hill. One downside to this is that our only table and chairs are in storage. Also, for at least the first meal of the day we were alone, sooo.... we dined in comfort.
Black Friday Shopping: It doesn't make us bad people that the part of the day we were looking forward to most was going to Target. My prize was a sackful of movies on Blu Ray and DVD, Wren's was a purse and some new outfits. It was a late night, but a great finish.
From my home to yours, I hope it was a great day with the people you care about, and a great weekend after!